Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4
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    Bellevue Hospital - Psychiatric Pavilion - Under Construction

    This view shows the hospital in a construction phase, with the East River in the background. Through the steel structure can be seen the old morgue and the 26th Street pier. Mills Training School for Male Nurses in the dark building to the right and blocking part of A & B and next to it is a portion of the old O.D.P. Lower right building is the Psychiatric Pavilion.
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    Bellevue Hospital - Sturgis Pavilion

    Children from Sturgis Pavilion, Ward 40, are seen outdoors under a tent roof, in cribs and cots. Doctors and nurses are in attendance. The red brick building on the left was Ward 40 also known as Sturgis Pavilion. It was used by the third medical division for the treatment of female patients. The Sturgis Pavilion was torn down in 1924. Behind Ward 40 (Sturgis Pavilion) was another building. The upper floor was used for the treatment of Alcoholics and the lower floor was an ambulance garage and stable.
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    Bellevue Hospital - Horse-Drawn Ambulance

    Image shows a horse-drawn ambulance in front of a Dispensary, with four men standing behind it. Two of the men are holding a stretcher, which appears to have a patient in it. Information below from Registration Record: In the upper right hand corner a Bellevue nurse is standing on the landing of an outdoor stairway or fire escape looking down at the scene.
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    Bellevue Hospital - Epidemic Patient Tents

    A group of tents on the grounds of the hospital, with one nurse and a couple of men in view. Information below from Registration Record: Tents on Bellevue grounds facing west. These tents were used to house the overflow of epidemic patients. The Old Administration building is in the center of the picture. The Bellevue nurse is seen in uniform of the second half of the 19th century. Dimensions are for image only. The photo has age damage, with a number of light-colored spots on the image.