Joseph Decatur Bryant


Carte de visite of Professor Joseph Decatur Bryant, 1845-1914, an outstanding surgeon of his time, graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1868. He became Professor of Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery at the Medical College and Commissioner of Health of both New York City and State. President Grover Cleveland was operated on by him for sarcoma of the left upper jaw.

Joseph Decatur Bryant


Carte de Visite of Joseph Decatur Bryant, 1845-1914, an outstanding surgeon of his time, graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1868. He became Professor of Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery at the Medical College and Commissioner of Health of both New York City and State. President Grover Cleveland was operated on by him for sarcoma of the left upper jaw.

Joseph Decatur Bryant


Head and shoulders photograph of Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, facing slightly to the right. Photograph is of an illustration/etching. Dr. Bryant, an outstanding surgeon of his time, graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1868. He became Professor of Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery at the Medical College and Commissioner of Health of both New York City and State. President Grover Cleveland was operated on by him for sarcoma of left upper jaw. (2 copies)